P3/4 had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day! We came to school dressed in our cozy PJs and as our favourite book characters, creating a fun and vibrant atmosphere. Our day was made even more special with a live webinar from NI Libraries, where author and illustrator Paddy Donnelly read his delightful book Fox and Son Tailors. We had the unique opportunity to learn how to draw Mr. Peacock, one of the characters from the story, directly from Paddy himself! We also joined in the exciting Book Swap, exchanging books and discovering new favourites. To top it all off, we designed our own creative bookmarks. It was a wonderful day filled with books, creativity, and lots of fun!
St Lawrence's Primary & Nursery School, 7 Tattymoyle Road, Fintona Co Tyrone BT78 2NR
Telephone: (028) 8284 1427 | Email: info@stlawrences.fintona.ni.sch.uk